28 per cent of Candidates Failed Nigerian Law School Exam – DG | FASTBAZE.com

28 per cent of Candidates Failed Nigerian Law School Exam – DG


The Nigerian Law School has released summary of the final examination results conducted from April 22 to 28. The Director-General, Nigerian Law School, Mr Olarewaju Onadeko, (SAN), made this known in a statement on Saturday in Bwari, FCT. He said that 2,125 students participated at the examinations while 1,393 were successful. The statement noted candidates with conditional Pass are 196 while 596 failed. Further breakdown of the results showed that candidates with Pass accounted for 65.6 per cent, those with conditional Pass represented 6.4 per cent. Those who failed were 28 per cent. Onadeko said that the ‘Call to the Bar’ ceremony for the successful candidates will hold on July 13 in Abuja.

Read more at: dailytimes.ng


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